How to configure Windows Firewall manually

If you're running Clicker Desktop version 1.5 or older, or if you'd like to manually configure Windows Firewall on you computer, please follow this guide.

NOTE. With Clicker Desktop 1.6 or newer the firewall configuration had been implemented into the app.

Once you run the app for the first time. You will be prompted with Firewall window like the one below.

Windows Firewall Window

You should allow Clicker Desktop to run in appropriate network for your use cases. Make sure to select Private networks. Depending on your use cases, you might also want to select Public networks although generally it is not recommended.

IMPORTANT NOTE. Antivirus software usually has its own firewall. If you have antivirus installed, please check your antivirus support on how to allow the app to run through antivirus firewall. If your antivirus requires entering port number, use 17381.

How to check current network type (Private or Public)

  1. Open the Control Panel

    Open Settings from Start Menu

  2. Click Network & internet tile.

    Select Network and Internet

  3. Under Network Status title, you'll see the text Private Network or Public Network.

    Network status

How to change current network type

  1. Follow the steps from How to check current network type guide.

  2. Under Network status title, follow the link Change connection properties.

    Network status

  3. Under network profile title, select either Private or Public.

How to change firewall settings for Clicker Desktop

All steps described in this section are performed on Windows 10. These steps are the almost the same in previous versions of Windows, back to Windows 7.

  1. Open the Control Panel

    Open Settings from Start Menu

  2. Open Windows Defender Security Center

    Open Windows Defender Security Center

  3. In the left side menu select Firewall & network protection and then click the Allow an app through firewall link

    Firewall and network protection

  4. Click the Change settings button

    Allow App through Firewall

  5. Find Clicker binary in the list.

    NOTE. Clicker Desktop uses Java to run. That's why you actually need to allow Java binary to run instead of the launcher. The name of the binary would be either javaw.exe or OpenJDK platform binary.

    NOTE. If you can't find java binary in the list, skip this step, and go to the next one.

    Find OpenJDK platform binary

    Set checks under Private / Public, to allow Clicker Desktop to run in those networks.

  6. If OpenJDK platform binary isn't in the list, click Allow another app button.

    Add another app to Firewall

  7. If the new dialog, click Browse button.

    App Selection Dialog

  8. In the open file dialog, go to the location where Clicker Desktop is stored, and select file jre\bin\javaw.exe, click Open and then Add.

    Select Java binary for firewall

    Add Java binary for firewall

  9. Follow step 5.